The Best Honey Mask for Acne Scars – For All Types of Skin


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Honey is great for your overall skin, but it is especially beneficial for your skin. In many of homemade remedies for acne, acne scars and other skin problems, honey is a key ingredient.

Raw honey has been used for its healing properties since ancient times, and makes an incredible mask for your skin even on its own. Use of honey in masks, several times a week, makes your skin tone even and softness increased.

It does not contain any harmful chemicals, found in most beauty products. In addition, honey can be combined with other food based ingredients to tailor a mask unique to your skin type.

Choose Honey Masks for Acne Scars Treatment

HoneyDue to its healing, antiseptic and antibacterial properties, honey masks for acne scars are most popular home remedy. It is acidic, hence it prevents the growth of bacterial and its anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness associated with acne scars.

It is natural moisturizer for all types of skin as it removes excess oil and makes it smooth. And if you are actually serious about treating your acne scars in a natural and harmless way or you simply want to skip those harsh medicines, butter pills or creams and lotion, than honey masks are just right for you.

Honey Face Mask for All Skins (only honey)

If you want to treat your skin to an only honey mask, take a small amount of pure raw honey. Apply it onto your face using your finger tips or cotton pad.

Let it dry for 30 minutes and wash if off with warm water first and then with cold water. Repeat the process regularly to get a clear, scar free skin. In case, you want your mask to serve a specific purpose, you can combine it with other ingredients as follows.

Honey Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin

Mix 3 teaspoon of raw honey with ½ teaspoon cinnamon to make a paste and apply it to your face. Leave the mask on for 10-30 minutes and rinse off. Honey and cinnamon both possess antibacterial properties, which are particularly beneficial for acne prone skin.

Occasionally, cinnamon can be irritating on highly sensitive skin, so it is preferable to do a patch test on the back of your hand.

Honey Face Mask for Dry Skin

Place and mix 1 teaspoon of mashed avocado, 1 teaspoon of plain whole milk yogurt and 1 teaspoon of raw honey in a bowl until smooth. Put the mask over your face and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Rinse it off.

The fats in the whole milk yogurt and avocado moisturize the skin deeply, whereas the lactic acid in the yogurt is smoothing for your skin. It also refines the pores and stimulates and supports the production of collagen.

Honey Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

Stir 2 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel together and apply the paste on your skin. Let it sit on your face for 10-20 minutes and wash if off.

Aloe vera is excellent for reducing inflammation and relieving your skin. It is, particularly, beneficial for people who have sensitive or irritated skin.

Honey Face Mask for Acne Marks and Dark Skin Spots

Combine 2 teaspoon of raw honey and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it to your face. Let it dry for 20-30 minutes. Lemon juice exfoliates your skin, reduces the appearance of acne scars and brightens your dark spot. Your skin feels smoother and softer instantly, but you will notice the real difference after few applications.

All of the aforementioned honey masks are suitable for treatment of acne scars. But, the last honey mask for acne scars is the most recommended.

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